Keys to converse in Spanish

Use these tips in your learning and be able to converse in Spanish in the right way.
Practice activities to learn the Spanish language

We share with you practice activities to learn the Spanish language that you can complement with the courses of our Spanish Schools in Mexico.
Basic Spanish skills

What are the basic Spanish skills? We share with you some of the expressions and vocabulary that you will learn in Alegre Spanish Schools’ Spanish classes for beginners.
Study the Spanish future simple

What is the Spanish future simple tense, when is it used, how is it structured in sentences? We share with you the characteristics in this practical guide of the Spanish courses of Alegre Spanish Schools.
Idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the verb “tener”

Do you want to learn advanced Spanish? We share with you some idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the verb “tener” that you will be able to practice in the Spanish courses in Mexico of Alegre Spanish Schools.
Can I study Spanish in English?

When is it recommended to study Spanish in English? In this article you will find some differences between the two languages and in which situation it is recommended to learn Spanish in English.
Tips to study basic Spanish

For those people who want to study basic Spanish, we recommend reading these tips to start doing it.
Study Spanish alphabet

If you have decided to study Spanish alphabet, we will tell you everything you need to know before doing it.
Spanish levels: Description and differences of each level

The Spanish levels are determined with the same nomenclature as the CEFR English levels and we explain what each one consists of.
Spanish negative pronouns

What are the negative pronouns in Spanish and how to use them? Follow the guide below from our Spanish courses in Mexico and practice through an immersive experience.