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Idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the verb “tener”

Idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the verb tener

Do you want to learn advanced Spanish? We share with you some idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the verb “tener” that you will be able to practice in the Spanish courses in Mexico of Alegre Spanish Schools.

What is an idiomatic expression in Spanish?

An idiomatic expression is a phrase that is used in a certain country or region and its meaning depends on the definition of each word that composes it.

The main meaning of the verb “tener” is similar to “have” in English and there are a lot of idioms that you can learn in our Spanish Schools and that you will hear in Mexico. Therefore, learn Spanish in Mexico City, Oaxaca or Riviera Maya will allow you to enrich your Spanish vocabulary and accents in the same country.

How to construct sentences with the verb tener in Spanish?

The individual meaning of the verb “tener” in Spanish refers to the fact that an object is within our property and we can use it. However, the idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the verb “tener” differ according to the region or country you are in.

To understand the main meaning of the verb “tener” in Spanish, we present you a table with the conjugations of the verb in the present simple tense.

Persona Verbo Ejemplo
Yo Tengo Yo tengo 20 boletos que podemos compartir.
Tu Tienes ¿Tú tienes las llaves?
El Tiene Él tiene el acceso, pregúntale cuál es la contraseña.
Ella Tiene Me gustan sus botas, ella tiene estilo.
Nosotros Tenemos ¡Ganamos! Nosotros tenemos la bandera.
Ustedes Tienen Ustedes tienen los mejores libros.
Ellos Tienen Ellos tienen clases los fines de semana.

How to understand idiomatic expressions in Spanish?

To understand the meanings of an idiomatic expression, you should not consider the individual constituent parts, but the meaning as a whole.

Below, we will analyze each of the parts of idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the verb tener.

Examples of idiomatic expressions in Spanish with “tener”.

Many other expressions using tener express physical states:

  • Tener frío o tener calor – Estas expresiones hacen referencia a la temperatura alta o baja en el cuerpo.
  • Tener hambre o tener sed – Significa que una persona siente la necesidad de ingerir alimentos o bebidas.
  • Tener sueño – Cuando una persona está bastante cansada o no durmió lo suficiente.

There are also many idiomatic expressions with “tener” that express feelings:

  • Tener prisa – Poco tiempo para realizar las cosas.
  • Tener miedo – Sentimiento de incertidumbre frente a algo desconocido.
  • Tener celos – Sentir miedo a la pérdida o descontrol sobre algo o alguien.
  • Tener confianza – Confiar
  • Tener cuidado – Ser cauteloso.
  •  Tener pena – Sentirse avergonzado.

Other idiomatic expressions to have that you will learn in our Spanish schools:

  • Tener razón – El argumento es el correcto.
  • Tener éxito – Acertar en algo o lograr un objetivo.
  • Tener la culpa – Ser culpable
  • Tener suerte – Expresión que se atribuye al éxito sin razones o justificaciones aparentes.
  • Tener un lugar – Significa consideración, acceso o poseer un espacio.
  • Tener ganas – Estar dispuesto o motivado para hacer algo.
  • Tener en cuenta – Consideración
  • Tengo 20 años – Expresión para indicar la edad de una persona.

Enroll in Spanish courses in Oaxaca, Riviera Maya or CDMX to increase your level in the language and enjoy your visit or stay in Mexico. Remember that you will live an immersive experience in the language, this will allow you to acquire knowledge faster and use it in real situations to communicate with other people.