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Activities to teach basic Spanish

Actividades para enseñar Español básico - Alegre Spanish Schools

Prepare yourself in Spanish teacher training to teach effective Spanish courses and these activities to teach basic Spanish.

Teaching Spanish to beginners can be a challenge for some language teachers, so it is recommended that you take Spanish teacher training courses to learn the appropriate methods to teach basic Spanish to a foreign student. At International House Riviera Maya we recognise the importance of learning the official language of your location, and we are convinced that immersion is the fastest and most effective way to learn Spanish.

Spanish School Cancun

People from all over the world visit the Riviera Maya in search of a holiday, fun or a language trip. In all cases, they need to take Spanish courses in Mexico to learn the basics of the language and to be able to carry out everyday activities such as buying a bottle of water or following directions to a place. Therefore, language teachers must be prepared to teach basic Spanish to people who do not know any words of the language.

What to teach Spanish to beginners?

When arriving in a country, a foreigner needs to know: vocabulary, phrases and simple questions to communicate with local people. The need to understand and be understood forces him/her to take Spanish classes.

As a Spanish teacher, you will need to take Spanish teacher training to teach basic Spanish to beginners.

Best Spanish School In Cancun

Some basic language skills that a beginner student should learn are:

  • Introducing yourself in Spanish.
  • Taking directions and directions in Spanish.
  • Vocabulary about the main organisations to contact in different situations.
  • Formatting a calendar, time and special dates.
  • Buying or ordering food and drink in Spanish.
  • Teaching Spanish, methods for first classes

Use the techniques of the Teacher Training programme to teach basic Spanish and prevent students from becoming frustrated in the process. Language teachers occasionally use props, refer to objects and even have to speak the student’s mother tongue to explain the main points. Simple methods are appropriate at this level in the Spanish language learning process.

Playa Del Carmen Spanish School

You must understand that students who do not know the language at all, will not be able to understand you as in the advanced classes. However, in an intensive Spanish course your students will be able to increase their language skills quickly and achieve their language goals.  Focus your Spanish courses on the following fundamentals to teach basic Spanish:

  • Genders, articles, numbers and colours.
  • Nouns and adjectives.
  • Most common or everyday verbs.
  • Basic questions.
  • Sentence structure in the present simple tense.

Here are some effective activities that you can use to teach basic Spanish at one of the Spanish schools in Mexico. Remember to apply the principles of Spanish teacher training courses to structure lesson plans with interactive activities during Spanish classes.

Material for teaching Spanish from scratch

Adapt the material and teaching method to the students’ skill level. This means that language teachers should identify the level and skills of the students and build a learning path to get the best results.

Learn Spanish In Playa Del Carmen

Vocabulary dynamics to teach Spanish with games

Keeping students’ interest when teaching basic Spanish is also a challenge for a language teacher, because it is up to them whether students fall in love with the language or despair, frustrate and drop out. Even vocabulary games such as trivia or memoramas in Spanish courses for adults will help keep classes dynamic and productive.

Worksheets for teaching Spanish as a second language

During first level Spanish courses, you can use word cards to teach basic Spanish. This type of activity encourages student participation and tests their knowledge of how to structure sentences correctly.  You can use this activity physically in Spanish Schools in Mexico or in online Spanish classes with digital tools such as: PDF documents, presentations, videos, quizzes among others to teach Spanish online.

Spanish Course Playa Del Carmen

Present in groups of two on Spanish courses

If students are really interested in increasing their language skills, teamwork guarantees productivity when it comes to learning to speak another language. After learning how to introduce yourself in Spanish and knowing basic questions, it’s time to practice with a partner. Remember the Teacher Training programme’s evaluation methods to consider the importance of this activity.

Teaching Spanish and learning English

The first Spanish classes in a person’s life are often the most challenging; however, language teachers must take on the responsibility of teaching basic Spanish fluently. In order to achieve understanding for all students regardless of their background, it is necessary to unify communication. This means that all students speak the same language, which is why it is recommended to use English as an auxiliary language.

Cancun Spanish School

Learn about the benefits you get with our English Training programme and prepare yourself for any obstacle as a Spanish teacher.

In addition, you can obtain an official certification to teach English when you start your career with the TKT courses or prepare yourself with a CELTA course according to your objectives. Remember that after taking the courses and taking the exam assertively you will be awarded the CELTA certificate.

English Teacher Training Course

Test your skills as a Spanish teacher to another level and teach Spanish classes abroad. How to do it? You will need to prepare and take the IELTS exam to obtain the certification that validates your English language skills in English speaking countries to live, study or work. Get more information at IELTS or International House Mexico.