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Take Spanish classes online and prepare your Spanish interview

Prepárate para una entrevista con nuestros cursos de español

Get ready with Spanish courses in Mexico and get the job with the following keys to success for your Spanish interview.

First of all, you will need to take Spanish courses to master the language and be prepared to collaborate internationally.

An interview in Spanish requires candidates a specific command of the language to demonstrate that they are the perfect professional for the position. For this reason, it is important to master the language with Spanish classes and prepare for your interview in order to maximize your performance.

The competencies of the world of work require increasing preparation in skills and aptitudes. We recommend that you prepare as soon as possible to obtain the International Spanish certificate that best suits your professional goals.

Learn Spanish in Mexico City

Prepare your Spanish interview

Get to know the company on a Spanish interview

In order to present yourself for an Spanish interview, in addition to requiring an impeccable executive presentation, you must have knowledge of the company’s sector and the position for which you are applying. Likewise, it is essential to investigate the technicalities that are used in the labor sector to demonstrate your experience and knowledge of the business line.

Prepare to answer questions

We recommend that you practice the most common responses to gain confidence and dexterity in evaluating your performance during the interview. Remember that you already have the theory because you will talk about who you know best, that is, your professional and academic experience.

Some of the most common questions in an Spanish interview are the following:

Tell me about yourself / Run me through your CV

It is an introductory open question in which the interviewer asks you to demonstrate communication skills, at this time you can give a brief summary of your professional preparation, experience or personal projects. Here’s an example of how to respond to briefly introduce you:

  • Well, I got my bachelor degree in biochemistry.

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How do you hear about the position? / How do you found this job?

This question refers to the means by which you found the vacancy. You just have to mention if you found out about the vacancy through the internet, newspaper, brochure, an acquaintance, etc.

  • I founded an advertisement about the job on the Internet.

What is your greatest strength / weakness?

Be careful with this answer, you must keep the professional context. So, when you mention your weakness, try to balance this answer by explaining how you counteract the situation so that it does not affect your work skills, for example:

  • I am very detail-oriented but I often take too much, I do too many things at one time, but If I am trying to take on too much, I communicate with my co-workers about what should be prioritized and that helps me organize my time better.

Focus on the Spanish interview: What are your career goals?

This is a question in which the interviewer will evaluate the commitment and importance that you give to the company in your working life. We recommend that you select an objective aligned with the company’s line of business.

If you work within Marketing, your answer could be:

  • I want to create a global advertising campaign strategy.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?

It is important to mention the contributions that you will make to the company during this time. In addition, it is an opportunity to demonstrate commitment and loyalty by expressing that you would like to continue working in the same place and explain how you would like your professional growth to be.

Following the case of the Marketing job, an example is:

  • I see myself in a managerial position in this company, working on multiple projects for markets.

Study Spanish in Mexico City

Tell me about a time you handled a difficult situation / Tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge at work.

These questions are based on your behavior and experience, so you should prepare a short story to be able to answer assertively. Certainly, the interviewer’s interest is in how you will act in the future to solve problems for the company.

In your story you must raise the context of the situation, how you assumed the tasks involved, how you solved it and the results obtained.

  • In my previous position as a Business Analyst, I had the privilege of working with a client that was gregarious, full of energy and very eager to make things happen.
  • The only problem is that the client did not have a clear goal or vision of what they really wanted. This lead to frustration and a whole lot of misundertanding.
  • Using a technique called I will know it when I see It, I was able to elicit, analyze and document ideas the client had not considered before.
  • After some powerful brainstorming sessions, we developed a solution that the client was over the moon with. In the end, we received 3 referrals from this client.

Why are you interested in this position? / Why do you want to work here?

This is the time when you can express why you want this job and show your enthusiasm during the interview, then your answer options are the following:

  • I’ve always been interested in working in your industry.
  • I think I am a good fit for the company and its goals and my skills are a match for this job.
  • Your company is very well known for the custumer service.
  • I think there is a lot to learn and I think there are opportunities for promotion.

Why should we hired you?

To answer this question in which you can explain why you are the best candidate for the vacancy. Then, do a count of the qualifications, certifications or specifically the experience you have in the field. An example answer is:

I am a goal oriented person who likes to work at a fast pace.
Because I can speak six different languages.

Spanish classes Mexico City

Do you have any questions for me?

Based on your research on the company, prepare some questions for your interviewer. If you have questions about any process or company policies, this is the time to express it. You can also focus your question on what the work environment is like or what the company’s plans are.

What do you think is the most rewarding part about working here?

Enroll in our Spanish classes Mexico City to become proficient in the Spanish language to get a job promotion, your dream job, or move to work in another country.

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