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Spanish teacher training courses: Plan your Spanish classes effectively

Cursos para enseñar español - Claves para planear una clase efectiva ALEGRE

Prepare yourself to teach Spanish classes with Spanish teacher training courses and consider these 6 points to plan a language class.

One of the advantages of Spanish teacher training courses and teaching Spanish professionally is the quality of teaching you offer to your students and the job opportunities you can access. The courses to teach Spanish or Teacher Training provide the indispensable knowledge about the language learning process and how to evaluate it.

Therefore, native and foreign Spanish teachers know the language in depth and learn how to relate to the students to create an optimal environment for the language experience in our Spanish Schools.

In the Spanish teacher training courses you will learn how to structure your classes and align the practical activities with the learning objectives. In the meantime, we provide you with suggestions and tips for planning the content of your Spanish classes. Below, we will show you the points to consider in order to build a syllabus and plan your classes effectively.

How to plan Spanish courses? Plan your professional classes

In the Spanish teacher training courses you will learn the basics to build or follow a syllabus for learning a foreign language. In this way, you will be able to build a plan of action with activities that you can apply in the classroom. To define the content of a class to learn Spanish you need to consider the following factors.


Who is the course for? Identify who your students are, what level of knowledge of the language they have, what countries they come from, why they enrolled in Spanish courses in Cancun, etc., you can use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


What will your students achieve at the end of the class and course? Define the communicative objective of the Spanish classes and the specific objectives based on the level of communication skills for language proficiency and intensive Spanish course. Consider the language learning process and the fundamentals of the Spanish language to set the objectives as a Spanish teacher and the students.


It considers the language level of the students and defines what knowledge they need to perform the activities in class; this will allow them to advance in the Spanish courses and integrate the knowledge learned to master the language. They also determine the content of the class according to the duration of the session as: intensive Spanish course, semi-intensive or extensive.

Class and course duration

Plan the content considering the time established for each session and the duration of the course; use the teaching methodology you learned in the Spanish teacher training courses and choose the key activities to guarantee the retention of knowledge through practice.

Spanish teacher training courses

Extension of next class

Always in order to place the Spanish classes in a progression, you can briefly define what you intend to do in the next session. Students who have goals set and are committed to achieving them will be prepared for the next class; just like in the Spanish School Cancun.


Spanish teacher training courses allow you to perfect your Spanish skills (native or foreign), recognize the correct use of the language and evaluate the main aspects of clear communication.

Playa Del Carmen Spanish School

Teach Spanish professionally with Spanish teacher training

It is extremely important for beginning language teachers to start with practical lessons as early as possible; this will allow them to gain practical experience and learn how to relate to students. Therefore, we recommend that right after you make the decision to become a language teacher, you start your professional and practical preparation with Spanish teacher training courses.

Remember that a native speaker has a great advantage: his or her language is a communication solution that different foreign students need to learn. Therefore, your native language represents an opportunity that you can professionalize with Spanish teacher training courses. In addition, the Spanish language covers a large part of the world, since Spanish is spoken in more than 20 countries and Spanish teachers are mainly requested in the United States, Brazil, France, Italy, among others.

Best Spanish school in Cancun

Where to take Spanish teacher training courses in Mexico?

Get a certificate issued by IH Riviera Maya and you will be part of the ELE teachers with a certificate to teach Spanish professionally.

The IH Riviera Maya Spanish teacher training courses consists of 140 hours of theoretical and practical content. You can choose between four-week intensive Spanish course, 5-week semi-intensive or 18-week extensive courses for teachers according to your objectives. In the meantime, you can enjoy the vacation and archaeological paradise of Cancun. Find out the course schedules and start dates to qualify and enroll now!

Want to learn Spanish in paradise? Enroll in our Spanish classes at IH Riviera Maya and start your teacher training.

Certificates to teach English in Mexico and abroad

If you prefer to teach English, IH Riviera Maya also has study programs for professionals or Teacher Training who decided to start a career as an English teacher or want to increase their knowledge to access more opportunities.

We recommend you to take CELTA courses because they are a guarantee of consideration in professional opportunities or TKT Teaching Knowledge Test courses. At the end of both, you will obtain the corresponding qualification, such as the CELTA certificate.

Now that you are certified to teach Spanish internationally, you will need to take the IELTS exam to obtain the certification required for visas to English-speaking countries.