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Study Spanish present tense here

Study Spanish present tense - Estudia el tiempo presente del español aquí

Study the Spanish present tense with these simple rules and tables that you can practice through an immersive experience at our Spanish Schools in Mexico.

Learn Spanish present tense made easy

If you have not yet enrolled in Alegre Spanish Schools’ Spanish courses in Mexico to study this tense and you still don’t understand the difference between verbs ending in -AR and verbs ending in -IR, here we explain.

Spanish present tense verb conjugation represents a language learning obstacle for students from different parts of the world. Therefore, we will start from the beginning in Spanish classes to understand the grammatical structure.

Spanish Present Tense: Verbs, Rules and Examples

Regular Spanish present tense verbs

In any of our Spanish Schools you will learn that all verbs fall into three categories, which are distinguished according to their endings.

  • Verbs ending in -AR (gritar, cantar, cocinar).
  • Verbs ending in -ER (aprender, leer, encender).
  • The verbs ending in -IR (repetir, escribir, abrir).

You must take the base word and add the ending according to the person and type of verb (-AR / -ER / -IR).

How to conjugate verbs with -AR ending?

  Cantar (sing) Soñar (dream) Cocinar (cook)
Yo canto sueño cocino
Tu cantas sueñas cocinas
El/Ella canta sueña cocina
Nosotros cantamos soñamos cocinamos
Ustedes cantan sueñan cocinan


How to conjugate verbs with -ER ending?

  Leer (read) Aprender (learn) Encender (turn on)
Yo leo aprendo enciendo
Tu lees aprendes enciendes
El/Ella lee aprende entiende
Nosotros leemos aprendemos encendemos
Ustedes leen aprenden encienden


How to conjugate verbs with -IR ending?

  Escribir (write) Compartir (share) Repetir (repeat)
Yo escribo comparto comparto
Tu escribes compartes compartes
El/Ella escribe comparte comparte
Nosotros escribimos compartimos compartimos
Ustedes escriben comparten comparten


The only way to learn Spanish grammar is to practice in Spanish courses and what better way to practice than in the best Spanish school in Cancun, in the traditional state of Oaxaca or in the attractive Mexico City. Do grammar exercises, articulate verb sentences, until you learn to apply them correctly.

Irregular verbs in the Spanish present tense

A difficult part of taking Spanish courses and any language is grammatical irregularities. When studying the present tense in Spanish you will recognize that some verbs change their base in the present tense.

Consider that the bases of verb forms change in all forms except ustedes and ellos/ellas. Here is an example.

Infinitive verb: Comenzar (to begin)

  • I begin
  • You begin
  • He/She begins
  • We begin
  • You begin
  • They begin

Learn all the grammatical rules of the irregular verbs of the Spanish present tense in Spanish classes in Mexico City at International House Mexico.

Why is it important to study Spanish present tense?

Learn Spanish in Mexico City will allow you to communicate fluently and increase your vocabulary level. Therefore, the language learning method guarantees that we will be able to convey our idea and be understood correctly.

However, when you want to communicate about something that is happening now and you use verbs in the past tense, the people you are talking to will probably be confused. Therefore, grammar is no less important to present your point of view.

Want to learn Spanish in a different destination? Ask for our Spanish School Bogota and live an immersive language experience in Colombia, while practicing grammar rules in immediate real-life situations.

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