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Why to study with Spanish flashcards?

Spanish flashcards - Tarjetas didácticas para aprender español

Spanish flashcards are widely used and very effective to complement Spanish courses or other language courses. This material is designed for those who already have a good command of the Spanish language and want to expand their vocabulary.

However, learn Spanish in Mexico City, Oaxaca or Riviera Maya through immersion is the best way to practice the language. Beginner learners of Spanish should turn to learning tools that allow them to remember the basics of the language. Below, we will explain why it is recommended to use Spanish flashcards to learn Spanish at our Spanish schools in Mexico and what the benefits are in the learning process.

What to include in Spanish flashcards?

  • Spanish flashcards can be used to build lexical material, in other words, to become familiar with new words and memorize them.
  • Flashcards can be used effectively to organize the grammatical material you learned in Spanish Schools. For example, with the help of dynamic tables, you can clearly see the difference in grammatical tenses.
  • Spanish flashcards can be a good help to systematize phrasal verbs and memorize their meaning.

How to use Spanish flashcards?

Review them constantly to learn Spanish

We are all familiar with the saying “repetition is essential for learning” since childhood.

So, without repetition, the development of language and speech skills is impossible. It is recommended to use a simple and effective tool with which you can practice the language in our Spanish classes in Mexico City with certified and native teachers.

Write sentences with Spanish flashcards

Grammar cards or tables serve to systematize knowledge and you can use them when doing exercises in Spanish classes. It is important to take time to carefully study the material, understand the details and then consolidate the knowledge in practice with the help of exercises.

Translation from your native language into Spanish

It is very important to train your memory in both directions, working with both sides of the card in your Spanish courses.

  • First try to remember the translation into your native language.
  • Then, remember a Spanish word or expression according to the translation into your native language and with the help of pictures.

Practice Spanish out loud with flashcards

One of the advantages of study Spanish in Mexico City is the immediacy of using the language. Saying out loud what you are trying to learn will allow you to remember the correct pronunciation and help you learn Spanish quickly. Every time you remember a word, mention it out loud, either in Spanish or in your native language. This way, you will be able to fix the word in your head, as if you were dropping an anchor in the ocean of your memory.

Tips for making Spanish flashcards yourself

When you make Spanish flashcards yourself to memorize new Spanish words, your memorization efficiency increases. Why? You create new neural connections in your brain by writing a word with your hand and it will be easier to remember the vocabulary by complementing the record with a picture. Follow these tips to create your own flashcards to learn the language in Spanish courses in Oaxaca, Mexico City and Riviera Maya at our Spanish School Cancun.

  • Standardize the content of your Spanish flashcards. If you have ready-to-use flashcards with a list of words with translations and examples, cut them into fragments so that each of them contains only one concept and a translation to it. That way, the memorization process will be faster and more efficient.
  • The only requirement is that the image must be well understood by you and must be associated with the memorized word or phrase.
  • Try not to put too much information on a card. Put one word/phrase/expression on each card and add its translation and short definition.

If you prefer to study in another Latin American country, enroll in our Spanish school Bogota in Colombia with the same quality in language teaching as our Spanish Schools in Mexico.