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Study spanish conjugations

Study Spanish Conjugations

If you are looking to learn the language, study conjugations in Spanish is one of the pillars to achieve it. In fact, it is one of the main topics that they teach you when you enter Spanish courses.

Spanish negative pronouns

Spanish negative pronouns - Pronombres negativos del español

What are the negative pronouns in Spanish and how to use them? Follow the guide below from our Spanish courses in Mexico and practice through an immersive experience.

Study Spanish Superlative Adjectives

Study Spanish Superlative Adjectives - Estudia los adjetivos superlativos del español

Spanish superlative adjectives are often complex and with the following guide from Alegre’s Spanish courses in Mexico you will be able to understand them and use them correctly.

Why to study with Spanish flashcards?

Spanish flashcards - Tarjetas didácticas para aprender español

Spanish flashcards are widely used and very effective to complement Spanish courses or other language courses. This material is designed for those who already have a good command of the Spanish language and want to expand their vocabulary.

Study spanish comparative adjectives 

Study Spanish comparative adjectives

Spanish comparative adjetives are one of the key concepts in the language due to their usefulness in communicating the differences between two subjects.