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Things to learn in Spanish class

Things to learn in Spanish class - Qué aprender en una clase de español

There are many things to learn in Spanish class, but we decided to group them into three main features that differentiate between taking Spanish classes in a Spanish-speaking foreign country and a textbook, local courses in your country or virtual courses.

¿What things to learn in Spanish class?

The best experience of taking Spanish courses in Mexico is immersion, so there is a big difference between learn in Spanish classes and self-study programmes.

As we mentioned at the beginning, you will be able to learn all aspects of the language in a Spanish class, but the following features are of additional value when you study Spanish in our Spanish Schools in Mexico.

Pronunciation in Spanish class

Pronunciation and grammar are fundamental foundations for developing your Spanish skills, especially speaking. The main advantage of taking Spanish classes in Mexico City,  Cancun i Oaxaca is that you will always have the opportunity to practice this skill.

You will also learn to speak Spanish with certified, native teachers who will solve your doubts immediately; compared to a textbook or pre-recorded classes where you have to wait for an answer or research to understand the language.

Vocabulary in Spanish Courses

One of the things to learn in Spanish class is the diversity of vocabulary in the language. Whether you study Spanish in Mexico City or at one of our Spanish language schools, you will learn new words and understand their meaning by living experiences or examples.

Spanish class and your language

Learning the local language at the best Spanish school in Cancun is an opportunity to get to know the differences between your native language and the one you are about to learn.

However, you will have to keep your mind open to new grammatical rules, vocabulary and expressions. Probably you never heard before or that will not make sense in your own language; so a recommendation for learning in an English class is not to translate literally into your language.

On the other hand, the Spanish classes in Mexico City Cancun and Oaxaca are an international meeting point where you can meet people from different countries who have the same objective as you to learn Spanish in Mexico.

The most interesting thing about this cultural encounter is the comparison between the different languages of origin; in addition how Spanish becomes an intermediate point of communication.

Learn Spanish expressions in México

Mexico is one of the Spanish-speaking countries with the greatest number of variations in vocabulary according to the region; so you will learn different expressions according to the location of our Spanish language school.

If you want to take Spanish classes in another country, then sign up for the Spanish School Bogota study programme which will allow you to get closer to the language through another culture.