What are the negative pronouns in Spanish and how to use them? Follow the guide below from our Spanish courses in Mexico and practice through an immersive experience.
Spanish negative pronouns
In Spanish classes you will learn that negative pronouns are not divided into noun-pronouns and adjective-pronouns like other types of pronouns. There are three negative pronouns in Spanish:
- Nadie
- Nada
- None -a, -os, -as
How to use Spanish negative pronouns?
If the negative pronouns precede the verb, then the negative word no is not used as in the following case:
- Nadie dijo nada. – Nobody said anything.
- Nadie estaba contento. – Nobody was happy.
If the negative pronouns are after the verb, then the negative word no before the verb remains:
- Él no tiene nada que perder. He has nothing to lose.
- ¿No viste a nadie aquí? “You haven’t seen anyone here?”
Learn Spanish in Mexico City, taking your first Spanish courses in Oaxaca or say studying the language within our Spanish School Cancun will allow you to put the following concepts into practice in real life conversations. So, although we have extracted a brief guide to understanding the Spanish negative pronouns.
Spanish negative pronoun: nadie
The pronoun nadie does not change gender or number and replaces only those nouns that denote people:
- No quiero encontrarme con nadie. I don’t want to go out with anyone.
Spanish negative pronoun: nada
The pronoun nada does not change gender or number, but is used in place of nouns denoting objects or phenomena:
- No escucho nada. I don’t hear anything.
The negative pronoun nada can be used with the preposition de if it is immediately followed by a noun, adjective or adverb:
- Esto no tiene nada de sentido. – This makes no sense at all.
Spanish negative pronoun: ninguno
The pronoun ninguno varies according to gender and number: ninguna is none; ningunos, ningunas – none (plural forms are rarely used):
- Sin ninguna manera recibirás apoyo. There is no way you will receive support.
If the pronoun none precedes the masculine singular noun, the abbreviated form none is used instead of the usual form as in the following examples:
- De ningún modo. – No way.
- Ningún ruído me molesta. – No noise bothers me.
The negative pronoun none can refer to nouns as well as objects and animals. When found after the definite noun in Spanish classes in Mexico City, it becomes similar in meaning to the indefinite pronoun alguno.
- Ninguno de los estantes está completamente limpio. None of the shelves are completely clean.
The negative pronoun ninguno can be used with the preposition de as explained below.
- Ninguno de ellos. None of them.
At which of Alegre’s Spanish Schools in Mexico will you learn Spanish? Study Spanish in Mexico City and visit the city to test your knowledge or experience a trip to the beautiful beaches near our Spanish School Oaxaca.
Those who prefer to study the language in another Spanish speaking country can enroll in Spanish courses at the Spanish School Bogota in Colombia which is also part of the Alegre Spanish Schools of International House. World.