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IH International House Alegre Spanish Schools

Learn Spanish in Mexico

GUADALAJARA ih México escuela de ingles / Spanish schools courses

Spanish, one of the most spoken language across the world, the second just behind the Mandarin Chinese.

Over 6% of the population speak it and more than 60 million speak it as a second language. Spanish speakers find it easier to learn other languages like Italian, French, and Portuguese, because of the Latin roots.

One of the best options to learn Spanish is to study with native people, even better if you can study in a country that speaks Spanish as a first language! This is why Mexico is one of your best options. Mexico is a big country with rich cultural traditions, beautiful landscapes, and great gastronomy!

Places to visit in Mexico while learn Spanish

International House Mexico is one of the best Spanish schools, we pride ourselves in the quality of our teachers and we have campus all over the country.

Would you like to learn Spanish and practice with locals by the beach? Come to International House Riviera Maya.

Would you like to spend an afternoon shopping in one of the most famous and cosmopolitan areas in America? Come to study to International House Mexico and explore the Condesa area.

Would you like to try the best tequila in the whole world? Enroll for lessons at International House Guadalajara and book a tour to take the train to Tequila (yes! there is a town called Tequila, it is real).

Explore the traditions and culture of this magical country and learn Spanish at the same time in our Spanish courses!

Best Spanish school in Cancun


Now going back to the tequila topic… Guadalajara is one of the most visited cities in Mexico, because of two reasons: tequila and mariachi.

Those are two great reasons if you ask me!

Tequila is one of the most popular liquors around the world. Here are some interesting facts about it you probably didn’t know:

-Tequila is drank without lime and salt by Mexicans. When they want to add these to their tequilas their request a margarita.

-It takes 8 to 12 years for Agave plant to mature enough to make tequila, and tequila must be made of at least 51% of Blue agave.

-Must of the tequila work is done by hand. Agave is hand is harvested by hand.

Mariachi is a type of music that dates back to the 18th century. The band can consist from 7 to more than 20 band members. Their clothing is very distinctive and they wear big hats. It’s the most representative musical gender from Mexico. Experience the local language by learning Spanish with our Spanish courses.

Guadalajara is the second biggest city in Mexico, and one of the biggest urban centers from North America. Regarding the culture, at downtown you will find the colonial roots in the most emblematic buildings: houses, museums, theatres, etc.

The weather is soft and warm like the people from Guadalajara.

The Spanish school in Guadalajara

There’s no better location that our school in Guadalajara. It’s close to Chapultepec, an area full of coffee shops, libraries, concerts, pubs, and activities for everyone.

Our school has 10 classrooms with natural light, a beautiful garden and a terrace where you can spend a relaxed and wonderful afternoon with your classmates. Enjoy our free Wi-Fi!

If you want to receive more information about our spanish courses and the best places to visit in Guadalajara, check our blog and contact us!

Come to Guadalajara and see the real Mexico! You will never forget this experience.

Spanish teacher training courses

Do you want to teach Spanish? Get more information about our Spanish teacher training course

If you prefer an English teacher training course, we also have options for you with our CELTA courses for beginners or advanced teachers and TKT.