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Prepare a Spanish presentation with our Spanish lessons

Prepara una presentacion en ingles con nuestras clases de español Prepare a presentation in Spanish

Prepare yourself with our Spanish courses to master the language and give a successful Spanish presentation.

Speaking a foreign language in front of a crowd can make you nervous, especially when the Spanish presentation is in front of native speakers. We recommend you to prepare yourself with Spanish courses until you complete your language training and reach a high level. In addition to having the language skills, it is important to show confidence, follow the structure of the information and speak clearly so that the audience understands the topic of your Spanish presentation.

Get all the tools of the Spanish language in one of the best Spanish schools in Cancun. Now, you can increase your language skills with Spanish online Cancun and the following tips for structuring a professional Spanish presentation.

How to prepare a Spanish presentation?

It is essential to structure a framework for your Spanish presentation where you will apply the knowledge and practice from your Spanish lessons. According to public speaking experts, it is recommended to prepare a conference in 3 steps:

  1. Open with something personal to capture the attention of your audience and announce what the presentation will be about.
  2. Name three important points and develop them with a story, examples, experience, etc.
  3. Summarize the key points briefly and concisely, mentioning the personal or audience impact.

The structure of a Spanish presentation is delimited by three phases: introduction, development and conclusion. Preparation is the key so you will need to study a presentation, we recommend you to learn the first 30 seconds verbatim, remember that it is important to have an interesting introduction to capture the audience’s attention from the beginning.

During the development incorporate information with multimedia material and the content that is in another language translate it or add subtitles in Spanish.

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Key phrases for your Spanish presentation

During Spanish lessons you will learn how to communicate effectively in Spanish by developing the skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking in Spanish. Each is an integral part of mastering the language, but we will focus on the last one: speaking. Here are some useful phrases to use during your Spanish presentation:

Phrases to introduce your presentation

  • Greet your audience
    • ¡Buenos días/ tardes /noches a todos!
    • Bienvenidos a la presentación acerca de…
  • Introduce yourself (only if the audience does not know you).
    • Soy ______ de la compañía ____ y el día de hoy les presentaré el tema…
    • Mi nombre es______ y hablaré sobre ______.
  • Interaction questions
    • Las preguntas al público son una forma de llamar la atención de la audiencia, por lo que son una herramienta interesante y empática que sirve como una introducción ideal a presentaciones en español exitosas.

Spanish schools in Mexico

Phrases for the development of your conference in Spanish

During the development of the Spanish presentation it is important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the words, as well as the tone, rhythm and pauses. Remember that you can practice these aspects in Spanish courses to improve your Spanish speaking skills.

  • Establish contact with the audience

To increase audience interest and engagement, it is important to establish contact with your audience. Use interactive elements such as polls to get them involved and express themselves on the topic, here are some examples. We remind you that you can learn Spanish while living an incredible experience in Mexico or at the Spanish school Bogota. You choose the school, we make sure you learn Spanish in an attractive way.

  • Por favor levanten la mano si alguna vez ______…
  • Alguien ha pensado en______?
  • Por favor pregunten cualquier duda o tema.
  • Compares two concepts or situations
    • Comparando _____con_____, podemos notar que…
    • Claramente, ______ tiene más sentido que______…
    • Mientras que la Opción A es______, Option B se refiere a…
  • Introduce new important points
    • Primeramente ______, en segundo lugar______…
    • En la siguiente diapositiva…
    • Asimismo, es importante mencionar que…
    • Ahora pasaremos al siguiente tema…
  • Includes and explains photos and videos
    • Preparé un video al respecto…
    • Esta imagen explica perfectamente el concepto…
    • Pongan atención en el video/imagen en donde …
  • Justify with statistics
    • El promedio es…
    • Los resultados demuestran que…
    • De acuerdo con este párrafo, la atención debe de estar en…
  • Highlight important points by emphasizing
    • I want to stress the importance of…
    • This is of high significance because…
    • Moreover, it has to be said that…

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Finish your Spanish presentation successfully

In order to close your Spanish presentation correctly, here are some phrases to put your Spanish lessons into practice.

  • Summarizes the most important points
    • En conclusión, podemos decir que…
    • En resumen, los puntos principales son…
    • Teniendo en cuenta los aspectos mencionados, podemos concluir que …
  • Say goodbye to the audience ant thank them for shared time
    • Fue un honor estar con ustedes el día de hoy.
    • Gracias por su tiempo y atención.
    • Gracias por asistir al evento el día de hoy.

Remember to adapt body language to the presentation and practice in Spanish classes. Preparing a professional Spanish presentation or for personal purposes is probably one of the tests or objectives you will have when studying the language. Prepare yourself with Spanish lessons to develop your language skills and obtain an international Spanish certificate.

Enroll in one of the most important Spanish schools in Mexico and LATAM to live a language experience!