Discover the interesting way your mind learns Spanish with our Spanish lessons in Mexico and the benefits for your mind.
Have you ever wondered what your brain does to learn and store more than one language? Learning Spanish with Alegre’s Spanish lessons is not only the route to new cultures, continents and people, it also has important effects on the brain.
Your mind a giant web of words
In our intensive Spanish Course we unlike a dictionary, the mental lexicon or word memory in the brain resembles a giant network of appropriate terms or expressions that are combined into sentences in an instant using countless links.
Therefore, remembering a word is influenced by the regularity with which we use it and the situations with which we associate this word, the more memories and emotions are related to the word, the easier it is for the brain to access it. In Alegre’s Spanish courses you will learn the language through engaging experiences and activities.
Phrases are perfect for the brain’s memory because they contain a complete idea, rather than learning an isolated word. Linguists advise learning vocabulary in word combinations in Spanish lessons in Mexico.
Think in Spanish with the Spanish lessons in Mexico
To begin learning a foreign language such as Spanish in Spanish Schools, the brain uses structures it has already created in the native language. However, to achieve complete mastery of the language it is necessary to overcome this process of association between languages and allow only one language to occupy our brain: think in Spanish.
Languages overlap and interact in the brain
The language center in the brain consists of several regions, each specializing in processing a certain aspect of language, primarily the left hemisphere. Therefore, people who learn Spanish in Spanish lessons in Mexico have a bilingual brain where both languages are active at the same time; even if only one language is used in a given context.
Being bilingual represents for your brain coordination to focus attention to receive or generate information in Spanish or English in a program like Spanish online Cancun. For this reason, your brain acts as a traffic light that allows one language to continue while the other language stops; which means more cognitive effort.
Bilingualism as a brain superpower
Bilingual people show strengths in tasks that require attention control, switching between tasks and memory. The amount of extra brain activity and benefits it provides do not seem to depend on the languages spoken by people who have taken Spanish lessons in Mexico. Second language proficiency, frequency of use and grammatical accuracy are crucial to keeping your brain in shape.
Keep your brain in shape with Spanish lessons in Mexico
The cognitive benefits of bilingualism are useful in healthy brains and imperceptible in everyday life with intensive Spanish Course. According to Frontier, studies reveal that bilingualism provides the brain with better mechanisms when it is used to attending to different situations at the same time. For this reason, it is always recommended to be learning something like the Intensive Spanish Course.
The process of learning a new language is an intriguing and challenging activity that will help your brain stay in shape for a lifetime. In addition to the undeniable benefits of better understanding cultures and understanding other people’s thoughts like in the Spanish Course Playa del Carmen
Learn Spanish in our Spanish lessons in Mexico
Now that you know the benefits of learning Spanish in your brain, prepare yourself with our Spanish lessons in Mexico and achieve your professional, work or personal goals. Our Spanish courses has the same characteristics and quality as our face-to-face courses, but in a virtual classroom format.
Become a language teacher with teacher training
Enroll in one of the best Spanish School in Cancun to get your ELE teacher certificate and keep your language skills up to date with the best language teaching methods to enseñar español or English. Continue your preparation to teach Spanish or English with Teacher Training. At the end of the official courses such as the CELTA Course you will be able to obtain a certificate recognized worldwide as the CELTA Certificate.