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Study spanish comparative adjectives 

Study Spanish comparative adjectives

Spanish comparative adjetives are one of the key concepts in the language due to their usefulness in communicating the differences between two subjects.

In the cursos de español you will learn how to use them correctly within grammatical structures and learn about the most important aspects of this type of adjective in the following guide. 

Types of Spanish comparative adjetives

Comparative adjectives are divided according to the characteristics of the nouns and the intention of communication.  

Spanish comparative adjetives: Superiority 

Indicates that a noun has better characteristics than others, so sentences must contain two elements. The first element must have more attributes, followed by the comparative adverb of superiority plus the conjunction than the second element with lesser attributes.  

Aprender español en Ciudad de México is easy and quick with Alegre Spanish Schools cursos de español.  

Spanish comparative adjetives: Inferiority 

This type of comparative adjective in Spanish indicates that one subject has lesser attributes than another. The sentence structure is the same as the previous one, however first we indicate which is the subject with lesser attributes, then we place the verb, followed by the adverb menos and the conjunction and at the end we place the element of superior comparison.  

Do you have any questions? Sign up for courses at our Spanish School in Cancun, Mexico City or Oaxaca. 

Spanish comparative adjetives: Equity 

Alegre Spanish Schools is a group of language schools of International House Mexico where you can estudiar español en Ciudad de Mexico, Cancun or Oaxaca. 

Comparative nouns in Spanish  

Comparative nouns do not have the structure like the rules we looked at before, but they must be placed after the noun. 

  • Good  
  • High 
  • Low  
  • Big  
  • Small 
  • Better 
  • Worst 
  • Higher 
  • Lower 
  • Higher 
  • Lesser  

How to construct sentences with Spanish comparative adjetives? 

In español en Ciudad de México you will learn that the position of an adjective in Spanish varies depending on the type of adjective and the meaning you want to give to the sentence.  

  •  First element + verb + más, menos, igual que + adjective + que + second element 

Spanish comparative adjetives after the noun 

As a general rule, adjectives should always be placed after a noun. However, they can precede it only in exceptional situations and for specific communicative purposes. Placing an adjective before a noun implies a change in the meaning of the adjective.  

  •  I have a blue book. 

Spanish comparative adjetives after the noun 

In certain situations, the adjective may precede the noun. This is usually structured to emphasise the qualities of the noun and to give the statement a poetic or literary tone. Although it is a topic of our Cursos de español en México, it is recommended not to use this stylistic device, as it is not natural in Spanish and could confuse the information. 

– Beautiful and fresh was the morning. 

Gender in Spanish comparative adjetives

In our Spanish Schools you will come back to the next feature of the language in every lesson: the gender of words. Therefore, in this guide we will remind you of the following general rules and identifiable exceptions. 

  • Comparative adjectives in Spanish ending in -o will change that letter to -a for the feminine gender.  
    • The girl is beautiful 
    • The boy is pretty 
  • If a masculine adjective ends with a consonant -o and -e then in the feminine gender it will have the same ending. 
    • The planet is big 
    • The library is big