¿Se Puede Aprender Español A Través De La Música?

Learn Spanish through music is possible in our Riviera Maya Social Programme! Find out more about the activities and Spanish courses to master the language and have fun!
¿Cómo Aprender Español Con Fluidez?

How to learn Spanish fluently is one of the questions most frequently asked by our students at Spanish Schools in Mexico, especially by students who come from other countries and have tried to increase their level in the language with local courses.
What to learn Spanish or French?

Learn Spanish or French? Find out why you should take Spanish courses before preparing to speak French.
How to learn Spanish by listening and speaking?

Learn how to learn Spanish by listening and speaking through immersion in this bilingual programme in Spanish courses in Mexico.
Learn Spanish preterite vs imperfect

Learn Spanish preterite vs. imperfect of the Spanish language is easy with the following explanation and our Spanish courses.
How to learn Spanish grammar?

What is the best way to learn Spanish grammar? We share with you easy strategies to learn the language in our Spanish courses.
¿Dónde Tomar Clases De Español En México, Oaxaca Y Cancún?

¿Quieres mejorar tu español, pero no sabes dónde tomar clases de español en México, Oaxaca y Cancún? Conoce las Spanish Schools in Mexico de Alegre y elije el destino que quieras explorar.
How to learn Spanish to speak fluently?

Do you want to increase your communication skills in Spanish? Learn how to learn Spanish to speak fluently with these tips and enroll in our Spanish courses in Mexico.
3 methods to learn Spanish vocabulary for beginners

Learning Spanish vocabulary for beginners has never been easier! We share with you 3 methods that you can combine with our Spanish courses in Mexico.
¿Cómo aprender Español paso a paso para principiantes?

Do you want to speak Spanish, but don’t know where to start? We tell you how to reach your language goals by learning Spanish step by step with our Spanish courses in Mexico.